We would like to present our excellent imported proven producing female Hafa. Hafa is currently ZVV1, ZVV2, select breeding class, SG rated, temperament pronounced 0/0 excellent hips and clear elbows.

Hafa comes through Norbo Ben Ju's famous T. Ben Ju litter on her sireline. Her pedigree is a flawless example of the finest true old style CzechSlovak/DDR working bloodlines.

Hafa is linebred 4-3 on Norbo Ben Ju lengendary producing sire  Car z  Kostolianskej over his littermate Cara seen in Hafa's 3rd gen. behind her excellent damline.

It is also worth noting the top producing stud males and females listed below that are closely present within Hafa's extremely well structured working pedigree:
Eron Mat-Roz, Charon z Podskalky, Omar z Blatenskeho Zamku, Cordon An Sat, the linebreeding present behind the T. Ben Ju litter on the great producing female Chuna Policia, long-standing producing Dual Purpose stud male Tom z Pohranicni straze, Former top producing female Chasanta Anrebri.

Car's genectics were perfectly combined over Titus z PS's blood, so not only is there an inline behind Hafa sireline on Titus's genes due to the linbreeding that helped create the T. Ben Ju litter, but there is also an inline on Car's genes, sire to dam as well. This is a great example of proper linebreeding on genes that are well known for creating/preserving top working character/drives.

Hafa is a known producing female of excellent working progeny.
Hafa possesses excellent territorial skills, hard committed protection work, proper balane in prey drives, extremely solid nerves, and a very old style working character type.

She is correct and open in her approach with children. This is a female that perfectly transitions into new enviornments with expected, proper confidence that comes from correct solid nerves.