Hello Van Den Heuvel K9,
Thank you for taking the time to follow up on HERA z VDH.
She had her first visit to the vet today and got a thorough check-up.
He was amazed at how big her bones are. She is doing wonderful and is
settling in quite well. She knows her name and comes charging when called.
She is a very happy little girl. She loves to tug on everything in sight and
is an incredible acrobat, she would much rather jump over any obstacle in
her way than climb over it . She is a truly fantastic pup. She is always
busy and very curious. She got ahold of my leather jacket , which was on the
back of a lazy-boy recliner, and pulled the whole chair over backwards and
kept pulling even after the thing crashed to the floor. She thinks she is
She can be difficult with her yogurt, sprouts,carrots, apples and egg yolk in her hund n flocken. The Health mix ,(garlic breath) vit c , bonemeal, hiphealth, msm and seameal are tastyenough but how do you get a kid to eat their veggies?.
She loves the hamburger, but also got some good cut up raw steak. I gave her some chicken breast cooked , it just seems wrong to eat raw chicken ? She is so beautiful and we love her very much . I can hardly wait for her to grow up. 

Well, she is awake again so I must close, Thank you so very much. I know it can't be easy operating Van Den Heuvel K9, but please know your making alot of people very happy by producing these incredible dogs.......... Mike Wilhelmson
Clear Creek California.........
Hello George, I am more than happy to give you a great reference from Van den heuvel K9..... Which litter will you be choosing from... I have done a tremendous amount of research into the Czech and DDR Bloodlines and I feel these lines to be True Representives of the German Shepherd Dog. There are a few places in this country where you can aquire a Dog of this caliber ( without any West German or other lines mixed in). and VDH isnt the only place .. I can provide you with links if interested...What makes VDH stand
out from the others is the fact that Dari's dogs are indeed Healthier..... She has got a Diet plan that is tried and true... I can send you a copy if
you like........ She is an authority on canine nutrition and I have
followed it with amazing results, not only for my pup but for my other two GSD as well...My Two adolescent Males have thrived on Her Diet plan.... They track better and have way more stamina and are noticably healthier , happier animals...I have tried to find better dogs but VDH record stands for itself.... I thought my first two Dogs were the best money could buy and I am constantly searching still for the best...... I haven,t been able to locate a better breeding program anywhere in the world than Van Den Heuvel K9. Mike Wilhelmson
Dear Vandenheuvelk9:
Happy St. patty day.
I finally found time to check out your new web site. I
must say it is top notch. I have seen at least 200 working GSD web sites
and yours is in my top 3 favorites. If this were the Olympics I would
have to give you the Gold Medal. I found your web site to be very
informative, visually stunning, and very classy. The best thing about
your pages is you have captured the 4th dimension, that being feeling.
The crisp photos almost speak for themselves and it brings the viewer
right in to almost feel the character of the Dogs.The slide shows and
videos make make your web site a full blown production. I think MAX
would be proud of how your representing these exceptional Dogs. My
friends and I would like to show our support for the very few real
working Dog breeders and trainers out there who put this kind of
commitment into the better-ment of the Breed.
Whats it like to spend a
day with a Dog like Congo or Faro ? It must be amazing, I have had a
taste of that feeling of spending time with exceptional animals and
words can't describe how fulfilling it can be.There is no frustration of
having a Dog under your feet, its just the opposite. These Dogs
anticipate your next step before we can.There is nothing like having a
total Guardian to hang out with and love to do whatever you want to
do.Because of your work more and more people are experiencing what a
real pet companion can be, anything they want it to be. My Dog " HERA Z
VDH " has brought inspiration to my family and friends , When your
around something so loyal and willing to please , full of positive
energy and without complaint , it rubs off on everyone around,
especially the kids. A short walk to the lake is now a whole new
experience, having a pet like this awakens the senses and makes you look
around at all that nature and life has to offer. Have a great day, I am
going for a run with my Van Den Heuvel K9... Mike Wilhelmson